Today Friday, 3rd May 2024

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Eddie Jones condemns FIFA’s plans to have cameras in dressing rooms during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar 

Eddie Jones condemns FIFA’s plans to have cameras in dressing rooms during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar 

Eddie Jones, who is the head coach of the England Rugby Union, is highly against FIFA’s plans to put cameras in all the dressing rooms of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. He says that everyone needs their own privacies. According to the organizers of the game, they want to be able to give fans access to the sanctuaries of the teams during such a huge event. Some football documentaries show that fans are actually used to seeing what is inside dressing rooms, but they are not able to see them in real-time.  

FIFA all access 

FIFA wants to go a different route with the upcoming World Cup by giving the viewers some behind-the-scenes footage by doing all access to every single area of the tournament as they believe this will bring them closer to the players in the game. This specific plan would involve setting cameras and TV monitors even in the dressing areas of the stadiums, whose footage will be seen on halftime breaks and after the matches are done. The footage is said to be shown live or with some slides delayed.  

Have it muted 

Managers of teams have demanded that the videos be shown muted so that the team news, as well as their tactics, are not going to be shown to everyone else, especially the opposing teams. However, it seems that not everyone agrees with the idea that was set by the management at FIFA, as Eddie Jones condemns FIFA’s plans to have cameras in dressing rooms during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. He follows up that there are just specific areas of the game that needs to be left to the players and not be shared with the entire world.  

The opposing side 

The time that is given before the game starts is the players’ time which means to say that they need to be able to concentrate and prepare for the game. There are specific traditions that players might have that they might not be comfortable showing to the entire world. And while there are a lot of teams that are more than open to sharing, there are times when the players need their time alone. Even West Ham coach Stuart Pearce agrees with Jones in this sentiment. They also said that a lot of people involved in the entire game would agree with them. Just locker room privacy would be a big deal even with all the other parts of the World Cup broadcasted. 

Eddie Jones condemns FIFA’s plans to have cameras in dressing rooms during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, and a lot of coaches agree with him because there are some things that fans need not see. Players need time to focus and hype themselves up without having to worry about a camera and everyone behind the camera seeing them being that way. Hopefully, the FIFA management would understand this side and would not enforce what they want with things but respect the choice of the players and coaches alike.  

Steven Mosier

"Eat, breathe and sleep sports" is the life motto of mine. My professional athlete career ended way earlier than I thought, but the passion remains till the present, which is why I am here writing you all the sports news you crave! Also, I am a huge fan of the Premier League as well the NBA.

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